Sentence Splitter

This Python class SentenceSplitter is designed to split input text into smaller chunks, particularly useful for processing large documents or texts. It provides methods to split text into chunks and to split a list of documents into chunks.

API Reference
from spyder_index.text_splitters import SentenceSplitter

SentenceSplitter(chunk_size, chunk_overlap, separators)

Initialize a SemanticSplitter.

  • chunk_size (int, optional): Size of each chunk. Default is 512.

  • chunk_overlap (int, optional): Amount of overlap between chunks. Default is 256.

  • separators (List[str], optional): List of separators used to split the text into chunks. Default separators are ["\n\n", "\n", " ", ""].


Split text into chunks.

  • text: Input text to split.


Split text from a list of documents into chunks.

  • documents: List of Documents.