Semantic Splitter

Semantic Splitter is a Python class designed to split text into chunks using semantic understanding. It utilizes pre-trained embeddings to identify breakpoints in the text and divide it into meaningful segments.

API Reference
from spyder_index.text_splitters import SemanticSplitter

SemanticSplitter(model_name, buffer_size, breakpoint_threshold_amount, device)

Initialize a SemanticSplitter.

  • model_name: Name of the pre-trained embeddings model to use. Default is sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2.

  • buffer_size: Size of the buffer for semantic chunking. Default is 1.

  • breakpoint_threshold_amount: Threshold percentage for detecting breakpoints. Default is 95.

  • device: Device to use for processing, either “cpu” or “cuda”. Default is cpu.


Split text into chunks.

  • text: Input text to split.


Split text from a list of documents into chunks.

  • documents: List of Documents.